14 June 2013

Cat Print

I am very excited to announce that I received my cat print with rabbits ears from Wholeport in the post this week! This has definitely been one of the many highlights to my week so far. I also tried and tested my first batch of cake pops which was a bit of trail and error but it definitely turned out a real treat in the end. All in all this weeks been full of surprises and has definitely put a smile on my face! 


  1. Hey there
    I found your link on nz blog collective. My name is Ashleigh and i am also a fashion blogger from New Zealand. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say hey. I will link my blog below so you can check out my blog and maybe follow if you like and also maybe we could make a facebook group so all us nz fashion bloggers can keep in contact. Let me know what you think.
    Ashleigh http://fallenfashionave.blogspot.co.nz/

  2. also Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog so much that ive added it to my blogroll. Keep up the good work


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