08 September 2013

Travelling To France

Travelling to France was one of those very memorable experiences I would never trade for anything in the world. In fact the entire trip in August last year was something I would want everyone in the world to experience at least once. 

I realised I have hardly shared any photo's on my blog of our trip over to Europe since last year so I thought I would start sharing more over the next few months. We travelled through Italy, France and Italy was our last stop before heading back to Qatar.

If your interested in travelling and reading up on some interesting things to do and see, I recommend reading this blog.

*please note these photo's have been taken by me, so please credit me if you like to use them.


  1. Great photos! I love how you've portrayed such a colourful version of France. Quite often I associate France (well more so Paris) with that sandstone colour of the buildings.

    I went to Paris a couple of years ago and I'm itching to go back! I was only there for a few days with my hubby and we crammed so much in. I had such sore feet that I got told in the Louvre for taking my shoes off. I guess in NZ we're used to walking around with no shoes right? I did not realize how offensive I was being, the lady did not look impressed!

  2. I live in France, and I didn't see but the third photography is in Biarritz ! I live in Biarritz !

    I like your blog, it's very interresting.
    Sorry for my English... :) and thanks for sharing us your experience.


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