23 July 2010

Hello Pooch

(Winnie Au Photography)
Today the Dr told my hubby that he might have swine flue and booked him off from work for a week? I have been struggling with the flue these couples of days and are hoping to sleep all the symptoms off by the weekend!

On a good note, I found Winnie Au Photography! My favourite pooch is the one at the top! It reminds me of my pug called "Pokkel", I had when I was about 10year's old. "Pokkel" means fatty/chubby in Afrikaans.


  1. The dog in the second photo is so cute. He reminds me of my friends dog 'Finnigan'

  2. those doggies are soooo cute!! i love the frenchie so much

  3. super!!! I just love doggies - and these pics are the best

  4. Hope your husband feels better soon! Also, I love Winnie's work. Wonder what type of dog the second is? So cute. Also, thank you for teaching me a new word. Monday morning someone's getting called a Pokkel at work.


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